Q and A with Dr. Erickson

13001293_1002685999797710_656688658864373322_nQ: Why did you get into dentistry?

A: When I was in college, I was a Chemistry major, and I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in the health sciences. I completed the prerequisites for dental school a year earlier than medical school, so I applied and was accepted to the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.

Q: What are you looking forward to in retirement?

A: I am in a curious form of retirement, as I plan to continue to work at Monticello Family Dentistry for a few years, all be it in a pretty part time basis. I enjoy the people that I interact with on both sides of the process. I am enjoying time to spend with friends and family, and playing golf. My wife and I are developing a great relationship with our grandchildren.

Q: What drew you to the Monticello Family Dentistry?

A: My wife and I have always enjoyed this part of Minnesota and the Monticello area. I purchased a small dental practice in 2002 and as a result of the wonderful folks in Monticello it has become “Monticello Family Dentistry.”

Q: What is your favorite part of dentistry?

A: I love people. I enjoy a profession where I can focus on doing my best with a service that improves quality of life.

John A Erickson DDS